The Neopoetics® corpus is a dynamic collection of emergent sensory experiences that catalyze transformative expansion in our understanding of human embodiment and human being.



The Holy Days


The Holy Days: Ritual in Silico (2023) creates experiential resonance between body and Nature. Structurally inspired by Native American Navajo Sand Paintings – sacred living artworks “where the gods come and go" – The Holy Days are transparencies: between human body and earth body, between dimensions of corporeality, between particle and wave. The Holy Days motigraphs evoke four directions, four seasons, four elements, four states of matter.

The motigraph is a mobile expression of the neopoetic canvas – a novel framework that incites the transmission of sensate digital codes to the somatic nervous system, opening the body as a dynamic field for experiential poetry. A motigraph is a kinetic, pictographic mirror of the body designed for optimal transmission, accessibility, and portability. Motigraphs poetically play with digital activation of mirror neurons on the intimate canvas of a personal digital device. 

Click images to view motigraphs on Instagram.





Rheos (2022) illuminates an embodied poetics of transformation. The Greek root rheo means flow, current, stream, and engenders the rheomode, a term coined by physicist David Bohm to describe a fluid, holistic language of the quantum wave — and the perceptual transformation required to assimilate it. Rheos’ virtual choreographies synthesize primal archetypal patterns with multi-dimensional kinetic expressions of digital language. The ten Rheos motigraphs are an archaic-futurist confluence of corporeality and extended reality that express the rheomode as experiential poetry.

Click images to view motigraphs on Instagram.



Motigraphs 1.0


Motigraphs 1.0 (2021) is a collection of short-form digital choreographies that explore and discover the format of the motigraph. Use of the word motigraph stems from interplay between motion and pictograph, and recalls Ray Johnson's moticos – small, glyphic, flat panel artworks intended to be disseminated into perpetual motion. Motigraphs 1.0 are virtual choreographies that express organic poetics in digital form.

Click images to view motigraphs on Instagram.






Yorb (2017) is a kinetic VR experience. It is a kaleidoscopic journey through color, motion, shape and sound. Inspired by the Sanskrit “vayu,” or atmospheric movement of energy, Yorb (Your + orb) flows through four waves. Each wave uses unique kinetic audiovisual rhythms to create a fluid experience of emergent somatic immersion.

Yorb was developed in conjunction with Oculus Launch Pad and distributed for Oculus Rift.




The Vayu Cycle


The Vayu Cycle (2015) is a participatory kinesthetic artwork. It is embodied engagement with fluid wave motion and physical flow patterns composed and orchestrated as an experiential symphony. Inspired by the Sanskrit vayu, the work explores archetypal movements of energy. The composition progresses through four phases: Prana, Apana, Purnima, and Samana. Each phase is based upon a different set of movements and generates a different somatic energy flow. Prana cultivates energy that draws in and up. Apana roots downward. Purnima expands into fullness. Samana contracts inward.

The Vayu Cycle prototypes an immersive poetics composed around the body of the participant. Engaging in physical choreography is an organically immersive experience. The Vayu Cycle amplifies this natural state of immersion through rhythmically aligned movement, sound and image, in conjunction with experiential choreography that sequentially cultivates specific sensate states within the body. This approach to composition introduces time-based artwork interfaced via the kinesthetically-activated nervous system – generating an immersive, experiential, embodied new poetics



The Vayu Cycle is built upon the physical foundation of Neoflow, an original movement system based on somatic wave motion.